Quilling has become one of my favorite crafts because it doesn't require a lot of expensive materials to achieve beautiful results. Many people have the impression that quilling is hard to do. It's simply twirling a strip of paper around the end of a quilling tool. It's great for beginners because they don't have to master a lot of skills to get good results.
I'm always looking around my house for items that I can enhance with quilling. I was so excited to receive Valerie's wedding invitation in the mail because it meant another quilling opportunity. Since Valerie's wedding is being held at a local vineyard I decided to use grapes to decorate her invitation.
Slotted quilling tool
1/8 inch wide quilling paper strips in shades of purple and shades of green
mat (I used an 8 x 10 double mat with a 5 x 7 opening)
frame (I used an 8 x 10 frame and removed the glass. Unless your frame is deep enough to accommodate the quilling, you will have to remove the glass).
Martha Stewart maple leaf punch
green card stock for leaves
1. Using purple quilling paper strips roll tight coils out of several different shades of purple. Carefully remove the coils from the quilling tool and glue the end of the paper. After the glue has dried carefully push the end of the roll out with an eraser ( consult Martha Stewart.com).
2. Put the mat in the frame and measure from the frame to the end of the mat. This is the area where you can place your quilling (mine measured 1 1/2 inches). Lightly mark this area with a pencil. Remove the mat from the frame. Glue grapes in bunches around the top and bottom of the mat.
3. Punch several leaves out of different shades of green card stock. Glue the leaves in place behind the grapes.
4. Roll 3 strips of light olive green quilling paper into tight coils and pull the end of the coil as you take it off of the quilling tool so that it produces a curly spiral shape. Repeat the process with a darker olive green paper. Glue the curly spirals around the tops of the grapes.
5. Using the darker olive paper make several scroll shapes and glue them between the bunches of grapes.
6. After the quilling has dried position the invitation in the mat. Carefully place the mat in the frame.